#Lastest# Taps To Riches Hack Unlimited Gems 2023

Тема в разделе "Курилка", создана пользователем FleurHorne, 21 фев 2023.

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    FleurHorne Младший механик



    Click Here for Taps to riches Hack

    About the Game:
    What can you do when you’re feeling down and you have some spare time on your hands?

    Taps to Riches!

    That’s the name of a brand new tapping game
    Taps to Riches Cheats: Tips & Strategy Guide.

    What can you do when you’re feeling down and you have some spare time on your hands?

    Taps to Riches!

    That’s the name of a brand new tapping game available on the App Store and Google Play.

    The concept is simple and you’ve been there, done that already, but you’ll want to do it again.

    And we’re here to help you get the most out of the game by sharing with you a bunch of Taps to Riches cheats: tips and tricks to help you get rich quickly in the game.

    So without further ado, let’s get tapping and upgrading!

    Here are our Taps to Riches tips and tricks!


    Work on getting the easier milestones first The milestones for the buildings unlock for every 25 levels/upgrades you purchase.

    Each milestone you reach increases the speed at which the profits are collected, basically doubling or increasing your profits by a ton.

    I would personally suggest for you to but the cheapest options available first and work your way up as you get more money: taking the Fireworks Foundry to level 200 is easy and cheap, while getting the Basset Hound Buses to a high level is really expensive.

    In the long run, it’s the big expensive buildings that will generate most profits per second, but early on focus on the cash on hand from the cheap upgrades.


    Add friends on Facebook Friends that you can add in the game by connecting it to Facebook will increase the number of Keys that you have and in return will increase the number of Crates you’ll be able to open.

    So make sure that you connect the game with Facebook and add as many friends as possible.

    Ask for Keys and open them to get goodies and advisors.

    Don’t forget though that you can still win keys from tapping the houses in the game.


    Watch videos for VIP Points You will sometimes get the option to watch an ad and win some VIP points in return.

    You’ll only earn 5 VIP points for watching an add and you need 350 to unlock the first level, so without making at least one purchase, it will be a long ride to get there.

    But you will get there, so make sure that you always watch the videos for VIP points when you are offered the option.


    How to deal with ads The game is made in such a way that you might end up believing that you have to watch an ad in order to get the Business Bonus or whatever bonuses you earn in the game.

    However, that’s not true: so if you don’t really want to double your rewards, simply tap the X button to close the window and you will still get your original bonus!

    But I personally believe that you should take advantage of the ad boost as often as possible.


    Tap the house that gives you most money With each new area that you unlock, you get a brand new house to tap on.

    However, in most cases, the amount you get from tapping that house compared to the amount you’d get from tapping previous houses is lower.

    I don’t really know how the tapping income works – maybe it’s connected to the overall income generated by the buildings in the area, or the number of upgrades, but either way, make sure that you always check out the amount you receive per tap and tap the house that gives you the most.

    It’s that easy!


    How to deal with Advisors You will win Advisors from the crates in the game or buy more with gems.

    There are over 100 Advisors currently available in the game and you can only use 3 at a time.

    Therefore, playing it smart when it comes to them is a must in order to increase your profits.

    So here is what you should do: Know what Advisors you have and what bonuses they offer.

    Some offer a price reduction on milestones, some offer an increase of earnings per tap, some boost the revenue of all or one type of business.

    The trick and most important part here is that they usually work in a specific area only.

    So if you have the Shakesbeer advisor, it will give you 5x Speed in Dust Valley only, meaning that all businesses in Dust Valley (the first area of the game) will produce revenue 5 times faster.

    Always set as active the advisors that make more sense and don’t be afraid to switch them based on your current goals.

    For example, if you have an advisor that reduces the cost of Milestones in a particular area, there’s no point in having them active at all times.

    Just make sure to switch them back in the game before purchasing a milestone, then remove them until you buy a new milestone and so on.

    If you are in the game and tapping, use one that increases the revenue per tap and replace them with one that increases profits when you’re not tapping or away from the game.

    Pay a bit of attention to these details and you’ll progress through the game a lot faster!

    These would be our tips and tricks for Taps to Riches.

    Do you have extra advice for fellow players?

    Let us know by commenting below!

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